
About Us

Founded in 1993, Shandong Fukang Group is mainly engaged in the R&D, production and sales of more than sixty products in six core product categories, including finished dose, APIs, thermal paper additives, veterinary drugs and etc. The production and sales of leading products Metformin Hydrochloride, Trimethoprim and Omeprazole rank first in the world, while Clozapine, Sulfamethoxazole and FB2C rank first in China, and 14 FDFs such as Metformin Hydrochloride Sustained-Release Tablets have been sold on the market.


Fukang has passed CFDA, USFDA, EDQM, WHO, TGA, ANSM, PMDA, KFDA, COFEPRIS and other official on-site quality inspections. The products cover 27 provinces in China and sell well in more than 70 countries and regions such as the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom. Fukang has also established a solid supply relationship and strategic partnerships with the world's top pharmaceutical companies, such as Pfizer, Novartis and Bayer.


With strong technical force, Fukang has set up 7 provincial-level scientific research and innovation platforms, including the national enterprise technology center, postdoctoral research workstation and Shandong Bromine related drug technology innovation center; It has undertaken 10 national-level projects and 30 provincial-level projects, and won 10 provincial and above awards, including one second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award and one first prize of the Shandong Science and Technology Progress Award.


Fukang has been awarded the honorary titles of "National Key High-tech Enterprise", "National Intellectual Property Advantageous Enterprise", "National Comprehensive New Drug R&D Technology Platform Industrialization Demonstration Enterprise", "China Top 100 Pharmaceutical Industry Company", "China Top 100 Pharmaceutical Enterprises in Internationalization", "Shandong Province's 'Top 10' Leading Enterprises of Industrial Clusters", "Shandong Province's Key Supporting Enterprise for Introducing High-Level Talents", "Shandong Province's Meritorious Enterprises in Pharmaceutical Industry", "Shandong Province Century Brands Cultivating Enterprises", "Shandong Province High-tech Enterprises of Top 100 Innovative Ability", and "Weifang Top 50 Financial and Tax Contribution Enterprises", etc.

   Adhering to the business philosophy of "integrity first, win-win first" and "technology-oriented, quality-oriented", Fukang will strengthen the competitiveness and build an excellent brand, and sincerely welcome domestic and foreign customers for business discussion.


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